Creative Solutions In Immigration And Criminal Defense Cases For More Than Two Decades.

Vigorous Criminal Defense Services You Can Depend On

When the weight of a criminal charge bears down on you, the path forward can seem daunting. Instead of trying to find your way through your charges by yourself, let a skilled legal team guide you through them. At Jarvis-Fleming Law Ltd., we provide a beacon of hope and vigorous defense to those accused of crimes throughout Minnesota.

We take a holistic approach to ensure that we are addressing not only the legal aspects of your case but also your personal needs throughout it. We are ready to provide you with the local and committed representation you need, and our deep understanding of the Minnesota legal landscape can be the advantage you are looking for.

Your Defense Against Criminal Charges

We are proud to serve our community in a wide range of criminal defense areas, focusing on crimmigration services, DWI/DUI, assault and battery and drug crimes. Our attorneys are prepared to stand by your side, offering:

  • Personalized attention to every detail of your case
  • Representation that puts your needs, rights and interests first
  • Bilingual services to ensure clear communication

No matter what your charges are, we are prepared to help you tackle the stress and uncertainty of your charges with confidence and respect. We will be by your side through every step of your charges while we fight for you.

Crimmigration – Protecting Your Future In The U.S.

When criminal charges affect someone going through the immigration process, we call those legal situations crimmigration matters, which are a main focus of our law firm. We help immigrants who are facing criminal charges fight their charges and defend their immigration status from deportation and other immigration issues affecting their legal status. Whether you are facing removal proceedings or worried about how an accusation could affect your immigration status, we can help. Our bilingual staff is here to be your shield through all of your legal issues in these matters.

Stand Strong With Jarvis-Fleming Law Ltd.

If you or a loved one is facing criminal charges or might be in the near future, now is the best time to reach out to our staff. Contact us by calling 612-416-4911 or emailing us here to schedule your initial consultation today.